Ok so I got a little behind. So sue me!
This post should get things all ready for the next few weeks.

First up
HancockIf you watched the trailer for this new Will Smith movie, you most likely already know the story. Will plays a superhero with amazing powers. Only problem he is a drunk and an asshole to everyone he meets. Then he decides to change his public image. He goes to jail. He sobers up. Then he becomes a real super hero.
So what is the catch? Well that is the twist, which comes out of nowhere and is a bit too easy. There are no giant monster or evil super-villians for Hancock to fight. He only needs to fight himself.
Hancock is funny and entertaining. Probably the most un-believeable part is the fact that regular criminals actually believe that they can take out an invincible superhero. These
men don't know anything about Hancock. They don't discover his weakness and use it against him. I merely are at the right place at the right time. It is actually stupid. I'll say it right now. The only one who can kill Hancock is Hancock.
It gets a E - Entertained because Will Smith is funny like always. It was worth the movie ticket but don't spend extra on popcorn
The best part about watching a Pixar movie is that you forget that you are watching a catroon. Wall-E is great. It is silly, fun, and exactly what you would expect from Disney and Pixar. Hey they can make a faceless robot look mean and evil. You try to do that!
Not much to say here other than I liked it. It wasn't the best of the Pixar movies, but then again they have alot to live up to. I say go see Wall-E if you just want to fill like a kid for two hours.
Hey, I like cartoons. I don't think that you need to stop watching them as you get older. Animation is a great art form and deserves to be respected. Sometimes I wish I followed my boyhood dreams of drawing comics or cartoons. Wall-E was the best movie experience of the summer. I even forgot to take notes while I watched it. So this review sucks. You know it, and I know it, so let's move one.
It gets an E- Entertained. Although it was funny, I wanted more. Then again it was a cartoon.
OthersMy co-authors went to see these movies, but they haven't decided to write anything yet. So I'm just going to summerize their comments......so we can get moving.
The Happening - is Crappening. Not worth talking about. It gets a w- WEAK want my money back!
Get Smart - is alright but not "Smart" enough. I still want to see this because I am a fan of the old TV series, but I fear for the same faith that the remake of the Pink Pather brought to us. Please stop screwing up greatness. It gets an E - Entertained
Wanted - is awful. According to Bowser, he should have walked out. Plus the projectist stopped the film half way through the credits. This is a NO NO. Of course we have no clue who these people are, but that is all they get to prove they are actually making something. It gets a l - lame. I might go back to see the credits, and hopefully Jolie naked.
So that should get us up to speed. I may go see those other movies and bring you a real review later, but I doubt it. The big boy movies are coming out soon.
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