Friday, May 15, 2009

Star Trek

This is not your father's Star Trek

Re-boots of movie franchises are all the craze these days. And it seems that only a few are not living up to their hype. Now I'm not a trekkie. I did like most of the older Star Trek films but I was never one to memorize all the various technologies of the Star Trek universe and/or dress up as a Vulcan (although I have thought that it would be fun). I just like watching the movies. KHANNNNNNN!!!!!!!

Well, after watching the new Star Trek, I now know that I don't need to be a trekkie to be a fan. This movie is did a great job at re-booting. I know...I know there are alot of old fans who are saying that there are continuity errors (regarding the Star Trek universe) in this movie, but I say WHO CARES! This movie will give the franchise life again!

The story is all that you would predict from the trailer. How did the original crew get together? I like the way the story started with the parallel lives of Kirk and Spock heading toward Star Fleet. Speaking of Kirk and Spock, I am still on the fence about Chris Pine, but Zachary Quinto is the new SPOCK. I never once looked at him and thought of Syler. He had giant shoes to fill but I believe he did a great f'ing job.

Other great performances go to Karl Urban and Erin Bana. From the first Dr. McCoy rant I knew he would be the best supporting character in the movie. It was just fun to watch him go off about the insanity of space and all things they were attempting to do. Brilliant! As for Bana, I like him as a villain. He should look for more roles as a villain, cus they're just fun.

Let's talk about the action. Oh Boy! lots of it! Everyone seems to get a chance to kick some ass.
Even Solo is cool as shit.

I give it an A - Awesome. Re-booting complete. Look forward to future of the franchised to blast off!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Wow! What a way to start the summer this year is going to be awesome!

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was everything you want it to be. Jam packed with action. Great scenes with funny dialogue. Wolverine carving up everybody. I tried to count how many times he extended his claws....I lost count somewhere around twenty seven.

If you are a comic book fan, you'll love this movie. The storyline ties well into most of the comic book material. There are a few variations but nothing that doesn't make you hate them for destroying your beloved titles. Hugh Jackman is great as Logan/Wolverine. He works great as the unleashed animal, and he can get deep into the emotional side of Logan. Everyone knows that Wolverine does his job well, but there has to be more to him than just cutting people up. Jackman balances it well. This role is his until the end of time!

Most believed that X-Men movies couldn't work because there are so many characters. Well the first X-Men proved that wrong and so did this movie. There were so many Mutants name drops and cameos it was hard to keep up. There was Sabertooth, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Blob, Agent Zero, Wraith, Gambit, Silverfox, Bolt, Professor X, Quicksilver, and even Deadpool was said. The thing is that the story kept the many characters to small roles and focused on Wolverine. It made everything tie in better. No time wasting on who these people are. If you know them then you will know when it was said. Sorry general non-comic book reading public.

Still it is a great action movie. I think a lot of people will like it. If not they are mental or something. Now as most readers know I don't like to give too much away here. I mainly says a simple "Like" or "Dislike" with a few more words. When you see this movie sit throughout all the credits. There are multiple special endings that will be played at different screenings. I am going again to see the other endings....along with counting the Snikt's

A- Awesome! See it right away! Only because next week Star Trek comes out. And it looks crazy good!!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Who Watches the Watchmen

Travelin' Miles Journal March 6, 2009

Watchmen finally opens in theaters.

The viewing public will shout, "We don't get it!" and I'll whisper, "No! you won't!"

Watchmen is not a movie; it is an experience. If you are not a fan of the book then mostly likely you will not like this movie. It is not your typical "super-hero" film. It is more like a film adaptation. You will not have a hero verses villain plot line. There will be no evil plan that the heroes must stop. Instead you will get a story that inner-connects all the characters across time starting with the death of one of the main characters.

I've read the Watchmen graphic novel a couple of times. The first time I finished it, I was blown away. I wished that I was old enough to remember the 80's so I could put more perspective on it. This new movie has helped me do that. The movie isn't as much about the cold war and nuclear destruction as the book. The movie is about the lives of people trying to make the world better even if it is through super hero means.

This is not your grandpa's superhero movie. Viewing public listen to me. Do not take your kids to this one. It is rated R! Hell most adults will not like what they see in this movie. You will see one hero trying to rape another hero. The will be a blue man that walks around naked for the most of the time. The heroes do more talking about running around stopping criminals that actually doing it.

DO NOT SEE this film if you're not a fan! You will hate it. You will not understand the story. It will be too "all-over-the-place" for you. It will seem slow. It will seem boring. It will not entertain you. If you are not a fan there is no way for me to argue it's importance. I won't even try.

Now, if you are a fan. Then enjoy watching your favorite book come to life.

Watchmen is an A - Awesome, not because it has great shots or action scenes, not because it has great dialogue, no it is because the emotion you feel when you finally see the movie made from a book that was said could never happen. I am bias, I know that. I don't care. I liked the movie. Most likely you will not. I am ok with that. It wasn't made for you. It was made for all of the fans of the Watchmen.

"God, help us all" - The Comedian

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Wrestler....

I know this is quite late, but I need to get warmed up if I am going to make this year successful. So I finally saw The Wrestler.

I wanted to see this movie when it opened, but like usual I got caught up in my busy lifestyle. So after hunting down a theater still showing it, and two hours later....Wow!

This movie is as good as all the fancy critics are proclaiming. The pace of the movie is slow but I was not bored once. When it was over I still wanted to see more. Isn't that what a good movie is suppose to do. Leaving you wanting the answers to the questions it raises.

First off, Mickey Rourke is amazing. As the movie progressed I grew to feel more and more sorry for his character. He really gives a great performance on the inner emotional struggle of the wrestler. Nothing goes this guy's way. Not because he has bad luck. It is because he just gives up too easily. One on hand you want to see the character pull his shit together and the next you just shake your head thinking that he deserves his pain. I don't want to give away scenes or the plot because I believe everyone needs to go in fresh minded, but if you haven't seen it yet....GO!

For the first ten minutes I hated the shooting and editing, but soon I realized the point of it and then I thought it to be brilliant. That how it is with Darren Aronofsky, either you love or hate his movies. (I didn't get the point of The Fountain, and Requiem for a Dream I was only able to watch once. It gave me a headache at the end with all the music and quick edits...ouch.) In this movie alot of the shots are following Rourke's character as he walks to places. All I saw was the back of Rourke's head. It bothered me at first, but right in the middle it all snapped into meaning. You are following this man around as if you are the wrestler yourself. His whole live is like he is getting ready for the next show entrance. Then there are moments where he's thrown back into real life and he can't take the pressure so he jumps right back into the show.

I don't view this movie as a commentary of the professional wrestling industry. I see it more like a view into an hopeless addict's life. I don't mean addict as in the sense to drugs and alcohol rather more of a lifestyle choice. The characters in this movie (mainly the two main characters) only do what they do because they don't know any other way. Marisa Tomei plays a middle-aged stripper. She doesn't want to be there but knows nothing else. Her and Rourke naturally gravitate toward eachother. You get the feeling that if only they got together that they could help eachother in changing their lives. The only problem is that whenever one is ready to give in, the other has already decided to give up.

This movie was emotional and compelling. It makes you think about the things in your own life that could be different if only you tried harder in someway. It gets a L. It is definely a Legendary movie and it deserves all the awards given to it. I suggest you see it.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Gearing Up....Ready to GO!!

Well 2009 just sprang right on top of us. Wow, this year is going to be a great one movie wise. Alot of great blockbusters coming soon, and I'm ready to see them all.

A few things are going to be differnet this year. Like last year I'm going to make a list, and I am going to try to watch every single movie on the list hopefully on opening weekend. Only this year the list will have flexiblity. Movies can be added and cut from the list as the summer hype progresses. Also I'm going to try to blog via my phone directly after the movie. These will mostly be a simple yea or nay with the fill-in of the blanks coming later. I'm hoping for a more interactive year also. That means you...the reader....I want to hear what you think of my ramblings. You think you can do that?!

Also it seems like the summer movie season keeps starting earlier and earlier each year. I mean come on Watchmen is coming out the first week of March! That doesn't give me much time, but you better believe I'll be ready.

Here is a tentative first draft of THE LIST

March 6, - Watchmen
March 13, - Race to Witch Mountain
April 3, - Fast and Furious
April 8, - Dragonball
April 24, - The Soloist
May 1, - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
May 8, - Star Trek
May 15, - Angels & Demons
May 22, - Terminator Salvation
June 26, - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
July 1, - Ice Age: Dawn of Dinosaurs
July 17, - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
August 9, - G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra

That doesn't seem like that many, but more can always be added.

It's Movie Time!

Update 2/2/09:

The trailers played during the Super Bowl really helped the list grow with these new movies coming soon.

Added to the List

March 27 - Aliens vs. Monsters
May 29, - Up
June 5, - Land of the Lost
June 19, - Year One