X-Men Origins: Wolverine was everything you want it to be. Jam packed with action. Great scenes with funny dialogue. Wolverine carving up everybody. I tried to count how many times he extended his claws....I lost count somewhere around twenty seven.
If you are a comic book fan, you'll love this movie. The storyline ties well into most of the comic book material. There are a few variations but nothing that doesn't make you hate them for destroying your beloved titles. Hugh Jackman is great as Logan/Wolverine. He works great as the unleashed animal, and he can get deep into the emotional side of Logan. Everyone knows that Wolverine does his job well, but there has to be more to him than just cutting people up. Jackman balances it well. This role is his until the end of time!
Most believed that X-Men movies couldn't work because there are so many characters. Well the first X-Men proved that wrong and so did this movie. There were so many Mutants name drops and cameos it was hard to keep up. There was Sabertooth, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Blob, Agent Zero, Wraith, Gambit, Silverfox, Bolt, Professor X, Quicksilver, and even Deadpool was said. The thing is that the story kept the many characters to small roles and focused on Wolverine. It made everything tie in better. No time wasting on who these people are. If you know them then you will know when it was said. Sorry general non-comic book reading public.
Still it is a great action movie. I think a lot of people will like it. If not they are mental or something. Now as most readers know I don't like to give too much away here. I mainly says a simple "Like" or "Dislike" with a few more words. When you see this movie sit throughout all the credits. There are multiple special endings that will be played at different screenings. I am going again to see the other endings....along with counting the Snikt's
A- Awesome! See it right away! Only because next week Star Trek comes out. And it looks crazy good!!!!!
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