Bale was amazing! Eckhart was awesome! Ledger was extraordinary!

The movie is LEGENDARY!!!!
I have more but I'm tired right now so I'll update this later.
UPDATE: 7/20
And here.....we.....GO
Just saw the movie again.
It is flawless!
The Joker steals the show. There are all these talks about Heath Ledger getting an Oscar for his performance. I disagree. I think that will only tarnish this amazing performance of the Joker. More would center around his death than the fact that he brought his scary sociopathic character to life. As soon as you see the Joker in the scene your eyes lock in on him to try to see the actor. There is none. You see only the Joker. Brilliant!!!
The Joker may steal the movie but it is not all about him. This is how a origin story is meant to be done. By that I mean the origin of Two Face. Many would like to see the the origin of the Joker, but that would just ruin the Batman world Nolan has created. Anyways if you're a fan of comics you already know that there are multiple versions of the Joker's origin. I prefer "The Killing Joke"......read it!
Back to Two Face. This story being the rise and fall of Harvey Dent couldn't have been done better. Unlike in Batman Forever....which was awful to look back on now. Nolan brought realism to the Batman world. This could happen to people. He makes you believe. Plus Aaron Eckhart was great! His transformation into the villian was dead on.
And we can't forget about Christian Bale. Again he proves to be the best Batman ever!I think what makes him good is how he plays Bruce Wayne. Others made Bruce to be alittle standoff-ish and eccentric. Bale plays three different Bruce Waynes. The playboy selfish billionaire for the world to see. The truthful caring man for his "girl" friend. And the reckless still needing guidance "youngman" for Alfred. Man, talk about awards. He should get four for playing four characters.
Other brilliant's go out to Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, and Morgan Freeman. They all did great jobs in their roles, especially Oldman. Another guy that can make the role into something more, something real. (Side note: I love how everyone calls him "the" Batman with reference to Frank Miller's Return of the Dark Knight and Batman: Year One) Maggie Gyllenhaal...eh....not much there. I really didn't feel her, but she probably did better than Katie Holmes.....HA!
Finally a movie of this summer goes all the way to the top. Dark Knight gets L- Lengendary. It will go down in history as not only the best Batman movie, but it might even push Superman the Movie (original) off the top as best comic book movie. If you haven't seen it yet.......quit your job, email will keep, skip the gym, whatever you are doing stop it and go see this movie. NOW!!!
Up next.......I have no idea
p.s. How about the Watchmen trailer?! How geeked out are you? If you don't have any idea what Watchmen is about, go pick up the graphic novel at your local book store.
Update #2: 7/21 Spoiler Alert do not read any further if you have not yet watched the movie!
For open discussion. As for the very end of the movie, what do you think of it? What do you think is the fate of Two Face? I've had some discussions amongst friends. They believe that it is the end. I think different
I think Two Face is still alive and will return in the next movie. I think they will have Joker locked up somewhere, where he is out of the picture, but will be referenced once or twice throughout the film. I think they'll add another villain to work with Two-Face...possibly Catwoman, now that dumb shit Rachel Dawes is finally dead. Or Penguin. Or Riddler. Perhaps the guy that works for Wayne Enterprises, who knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman will emerge as the Riddler...after all...only the Riddler knows the identity of Batman, so shouldn't that be him?
Can we get a Tropic Thunder review? It looks damn funny, but I don't know whether I should see it or not! Help me, Legendary Movie Reviews!
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