So if you read all the Harry Potter books and seen all the previous movies, there is no way you are going to miss this movie. This isn't a hard sell. Mostly everyone is going to see this film this weekend. For chance though, we will just say that you are the one person who hasn't see any of the Harry Potter movies nor have read a single one of the books, and you're asking yourself 'is this movie right for you?'
Are you completely mental?! There is no way you should consider watching this movie if you haven't watched all the other movies at a minimum. This final movie of the Harry Potter saga has been brewing for 14 years. If you are not already a fan, you probably won't be. That is unless you want to give it a try.
So if you do want to try it out. I suggest you first read all the books and watch all the movies one by one. After all that reading and watching of the previous movies, I'm sure you will grow to appreciate what this movie means to the millions of Potter fans worldwide.
That said, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 was EPIC! Just like the books, (and the audience) the movies grew up along the way. This final chapter is dark, emotional, and action packed. The filming and acting was superb. You will believe you're in the wizardry world. It is a must see movie, but only if your have see all the other movies. It gets a L-Legendary for sure.
Next week, Cap's Coming!!!
P.S. - Oh Yeah! I will probably be checking out Winnie the Pooh this weekend too. At 1 hour and 13 minutes who could miss that?
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