This is simply a retelling of the classic fairy tale Sleeping Beauty with the story being told from a different perspective. Also it is a Disney movie so you know it is going to be well made, and there will be some references to Disney's 1959 animated classic Sleeping Beauty.
Which is apparent from all the posters.
Overall I found this film to be enjoyable. It has some great visual effects. The story being much different than I expected actually surprised me. The acting was on mark. I also enjoyed finding all the animated Sleeping Beauty references throughout the film.
Although there was one member of our summer movie crew, which we've dubbed as Summer Movie Squad (SMS), who completely disagreed.
Meet David.
Immediately after the credits began to roll David said, "Am I the only one who hates this movie?!"
The rest of the SMS were confused. We all enjoyed the movie. Why would David say that he hated it?
We took the film for what it is, while David claimed, "It was boring."
Well yes, the pacing was bit slow, but it is a short movie so that's ok, right?
"No one talks.", said David.
He has a point. The dialogue is very limited. Most of the story is narrated with the plot being moved along through the narrator describing the actions of the characters. 

"Angelina Jolie's face is weird." states David.
True. Her checks are very high and jagged. It misdirects your attention from the fact her character has giant horns protruding from her skull.
"Who's the villain? Where's the hero?!" exclaimed David.
There is no clear antagonist. Is the protagonist suppose to be the villain? Is the villain actually the victim? The film balances this line so much that you can get dizzy thinking about it. Because all of the character's actions can be justified as self protection, so no one can be called, the true "bad guy".
The only thing David and I agreed upon, was the great acting of Sharito Copley. That guy is great in every movie he does. I didn't know he was in the movie before seeing it, but as soon as I saw him I knew I was going to like his character.
Maleficent gets a e - Entertained.
It was an enjoyable movie. You will like it if you were a fan of the Disney animated version. Not sure if it too scary for kids. It could be a DVD rental.
Might see A Million Ways to Die in the West this weekend, not sure yet.
Up next week, ..... Edge of Tomorrow