Life comes at you fast... yada, yada, yada.
Although, we did see some movies during that time. So here is a super quick summary, that way we all can continue the summer season moving along.
SOLO: A Star Wars Story
I wasn't expecting much from this movie. I was hoping it would surprise me, and it did... at least for the first half of the movie. Right from the start I was hooked into the film, and I was generally excited to see all the back stories that we all dreamed about seeing from the original Star Wars trilogy.
How did Han Solo become the greatest smuggler in the galaxy. When did he meet Chewbacca? When did he meet Lando?! How did he accomplish the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs?!!!
All of these questions and more get answered. In many ways that should appease any Star Wars fan. Then as the film went through the second half, I caught myself saying, "What's going on?" "Why does this matter?" Well, that's just silly and stupid."
Then I finally came to realize that the movie wasn't half bad. It was enjoyable. It could even be great, if only there was one adjustment... it should have been made 30 years ago, starring Harrison Ford!!!
SOLO gets e - Entertaining
Wait for it to come to streaming, so you can watch it over and over and over; analyzing how it ties into the original Star Wars trilogy.
Ocean's 8

Have you seen any of the Ocean's 11 movies? If so, then you probably already seen this movie.
I get what they were trying to with if one. They wanted to create an all female version of the Ocean's crew. I think it was a great remodeling on the franchise, and I actually liked the whole cast. But it is hard to make a spinoff/sequel to a franchise without re-doing the same movie. And that is exactly what this was. It was the same Ocean's heist movie just with different characters.
Ocean's 8 gets e - Entertaining
You can wait until it hits streaming, or you can re-watch Ocean's 11, 12, or 13.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
We were super excited about this one. I love all the Jurassic Park movies. It always seems when ever the original Jurassic Park comes on television, somehow we are always drawn into watching it. Even though we own it on blue ray. Sometimes I even like watching part 3, which most people hate.
Then Jurassic World came out in 2015. Chris Pratt was great in it and so are Bryce Dallas Howard's heels. Life finds a way. The dinosaurs live once again!!
But this is going to be the 5th movie in a franchise, and a sequel to a movie that restarts the dinosaur fascination. Something needs to change. It has to be different from the rest, right?
I believe going with the horror tone was exactly what it needed. This movie has plenty of intense horror built ups with satisfying scares throughout the entire movie. I felt like I was waiting for dinosaurs to jump out at me in every scene. It was fun. I really liked it.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom get G - Gratifying
You should see in a theater if you get a chance. Bring friends, but only 50% of them may like it. At least that is what I discovered with my friends.
Tonight, We are seeing Ant-Man and the Wasp!!!!