Deciding to bite the bullet......take one for the team....whatever you want to use, Jips and I headed out to watch Sex in the City in its movie form.

I never really saw the show. Only a few episodes when I had free HBO back in college. But I get the gist.....they're women.....they're in the city.......they're getting old.....they're having sex.....yada, yada, yada.
On the way to the movie I was talking to Jips. Why are men ashamed to go watch this movie? Sure there are the boyfriends being dragged along and gay men who actually like the show, but where are the rest of the men. This movie is rated R and more than likely will have alot of nudity in it. Then I figured it out. They don't want to be seen as that gross guy, only there to watch it as if it was a porno. They don't want women to ask, "what? are you here for the SEX?"
Well I reply "NO! I'm here for the City!"
So with a plan ready to go, we walked into the theatre with confidence.......then I saw this
Holy shit! I was mesmerized.
If you know me at all, you already know I freakin' love Kung Fu movies. Then I see a giant panda fighting Kung Fu. How come no one hasn't told me about this?! That's it new movie!!
Uno minuto, es problema. We just bought Sex in the City tickets. Then Jips had a giant light blub float above his head....literally. Why not just use the tickets and then sneak into Kung Fu Panda. Brilliant!!! Even better the movies were only ten minutes apart. What's ten more minutes?
....was AWESOME!!!!
Whenever Jack Black is just allowed to be wacky and crazy, he is totally amazing. He was a perfect pick for the voice of the panda. If you squint, you might even see Jack on screen instead of the Panda...he was that good.
I was impressed with the animation. It reminded me of good old days of cartoons...but better. It had that extra touch to add realism that all animation is going for these days, but it didn't push it over the top. There was just enough there to trick your eye.
The Kung Fu was great! I thought that the fight scenes animated wouldn't come across as smooth, but I was wrong. Sure there was a few "crouching tiger" slash only happening in a cartoon scenes, but for the most part I didn't have that no way that would happen feeling. Hey, it's a cartoon, right.
The story was very funny. The writing was very witty, probably from Jack. I was cracking up all over the place. It's good to see a movie that doesn't have to go down the "grossed out" joke path to get laughs.
You don't have to be a kid to enjoy this movie. You want to laugh? maybe enjoy a movie experience. Go to KFP! To quote the panda, "No charge for awesomeness", Kung Fu Panda gets an A - Awesome. Jips wanted to go with top rating, but I'm waiting for a movie to just blow me away. KFP was good....even great.....but no quite top rating. Hopefully there are a few this year.
So as for Sex in the City, it will most likely join the ranks of Speed Racer. Look for them on the New Summer Movies Finally Released on DVD Review blog.....coming soon!
Up next...........THE INCREDIBLE HULK
Gotta admit... going into this entry, I was a little nervous. Glad to see you found the light and diverted your efforts to a worthy film. If I get dragged to that movie, there had better be a decent Sex to City ratio, or I'm gonna be pissed.
Ditto the Duffman. You saved your soul by making the theater hop. You get bonus points for switching to Panda in such a shysty manner. Now get to that Hulk review. I watched it last night and want to hear your thoughts.
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