Ok, for a moment, imagine you have never heard of the Legendary Indiana Jones. Just say that you didn't seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, or Temple of Doom, nor Last Crusade. Maybe those movies never existed. Now go watch the new Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
I guarantee you would be amazed, entertained and possibly blown away. Like looking at this guy
Whenever film makers try to make the next chapter to their legendary movies, the expectations are always raised too high. Example: Star Wars Episode I - p.o.s.
So as Indy 4 started I was not too happy. You see, I believe the internet is ruining my movie watching experience. I've seen the Indy 4 trailer way too many times so I wasn't amazed because I saw all shots from the beginning of the movie already. It just didn't feel right. (I'm going to be in major trouble for the Dark Knight)
But after the opening the movie changed. Suddenly, there were car chases, fist fights, whip action.....all the things you would expect from Indiana Jones. It was best stated by Bowser, "It was like they turned on the Indy Switch"
Although I disagreed with the CGI scenes, I loved everything else. Indy has been and was a fun entertaining movie. I loved all the action scenes! This was the best part of the movie. Some parts were cheesy and unnesessary. Also it never felt like the bad guys were going to win. This time it was like Indy has done all this before, so he wasn't really worried about losing.
Was this the Indy movie we were all waiting for? Probably not. I don't think anything could live up to its legend. Was this Indy movie a good fun movie? YES! Harrison Ford is still super cool playing Dr. Jones.
Right after the movie I was ready to give it top rating, just because of its connection to the other Indys. But I've taking a step back and I want to get this correct. If this was 19 years ago would I have thought Last Crusade was worthy of a L. Dare I say NO??????
Crystal Skull gets an E - Entertained. I loved watching the movie, and in time it may grow to become just another part of the Legend of Indiana Jones. You can't replace the past. I'm glad that Lucus and Spielberg finally made it. I hope they don't go on to ruin Indiana Jones with new adventures of "the son of Indy"........crap!
Quote of the night, "There are more M&M's in this bag than first thought"
Next up???? Speed Racer took a back seat this time. Hopefully I'll make it, but review doesn't look too good. After that........Incredible HULK!!!!!!
Also if you want to see a very angry man's take go here. He explained everything I disliked about the movie in better detail.
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