Friday, May 25, 2012


Now I know some people are going give me H-E-Double hockey sticks for saying this...but...Battleship was actually an enjoyable movie!  Let's just say this, check your brain in at the door and take the movie for what it is.  A summer movie with action, cheesy acting, & BIG explosions!  Oh yeah, can't forget the awesome scenery provided by the Hawaiian Islands!
How this board game...

...became this movie?  Is beyond me!  Hahaha

Despite the obvious fact that the movie has absolutely nothing to do with the game with the exception of actual Battleships, the movie will no doubt seem familiar.  From the main character's introduction a la "Con-Air", alien invasion in the vain of "ID4", the heroes in slow motion in the style of "Armageddon", the J.J. Abrams lens flares a la Star Trek though not as incessant.  And probably the most obvious of all..."Transformers!"  Well the same toy company that brought us Transformers also gave us kids of the 80's Battleship.  

To put it simply, if you're gonna critique the movie to death, why bother.  If you just want turn your brain off, and have fun at the movies then Battleship is the movie for you!  

I give the movie and "E" for entertained because that's exactly what it did....It entertained with  awesome special effects, great action scenes, & breathtaking Hawaiian Island scenery.

P.S.  Stay through the credits for a post credit me, you'll have time to jam to the bathroom and come back.  

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